Since I've officially announced being Gothic, I've always been running across people who would be surprised to hear me say I'm a goth.. claiming that i just don't look like it.. Mainly those are people who judge basing on stereotypes of what goth "should" look like, but those often don't know that being so does not revolve around one look or one type of anything, see here my previous post for more info about what Gothic really means.
So this bugged me for a while, so i decided to share with you the whats and hows of "looking" goth..
Its not always about the extreme makeup, nor extreme random piercings all over our faces and bodies that prove our point of view.. after all, we can show that we think differently in a hundred ways other than our extreme looks..
we don't always have to wear collars, and other spiky stuff..
I use spikes on items i carry, like bags sometimes, or book covers, makeup kit bag :P but i don't necessarily use that in my clothing.
In fact it doesn't "Have to" be anything really... but what it CAN be is quite simple, nice and chic!! even very attractive, and definitely not scary.. Like this look for instance >>
notice how nice and simple her makeup is, it doesn't always have to be endless layers of black around the eyes, just a simple shadow and one line of black around the eyes, also some people actually prefer going without the black lips..
She obviously looks quite Gothic to me, and its not those looks above that define it.
This example i just gave is pretty much my style of a Gothic look, it's how i find suits me best.
Now about clothing... this can be tricky.. because honestly all the clothing that really screams Goth is rather old fashioned and not from these times we live in.. and i would much rather wear an unbelievably tall victorian ages corset dress, for it's simply amazing..
One that looks like this for instance >
but sadly there's never really a proper place to wear it in.. I most definitely can't be wearing something like this and walking in the streets, even to parties, it seems more halloween acceptable, than acceptable in any other occasion...
to some people, appearing odd is not an issue to them, and it doesn't stop them from pushing in corsets, and such dresses into their wardrobe..
And others, of course, like to over do it, with a look such a this >>
pimping up the victorian dress, shortening it, and removing the sleeves and shoulders, making it look a little more modern, and wearable in our times.
BUT, and here comes my favorite part, it doesn't mean that only these dresses are what can be considered a Gothic dress!! It can also be classy, sexy, chic and SIMPLE! and quite attractive too!
Looks something like these >>

Thats it for dresses and makeup! we haven't talked about everyday casual wear yet, so stay tuned for a post about how can Gothic everyday life be quite chic too! ;)
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